Using VSCode for Jira development

Pascal Robert
1 min readAug 24, 2022

I’m now a big fan of VSCode, so I was wondering if I could use it to develop a plugin for Jira (service + mail handler for MS Graph). The answer is: yes!

You will need to install the Extension Pack for Java in VSCode. The Java Decompiler extension is also very useful for digging into the compiles classes.

For the SDK, I installed it with Homebrew on my Mac:

  • brew tap atlassian/tap
  • brew install atlassian/tap/atlassian-plugin-sdk

The SDK will be installed in /opt/homebrew/Cellar/atlassian-plugin-sdk/8.2.7/

Before creating a new project with atlas-create-jira-plugin-module, you need to point VSCode to the Maven installed from the SDK.

In Preferences -> Settings, open User -> Extensions -> Java, and in Java > Configuration > Maven Global Settings, enter the path to the Maven settings file from Atlassian. In my case, it was:


You are good to go! Happy development.



Pascal Robert

Project management, consulting, Web development, databases, system administrator, business analyst, I have done it all.